
Showing posts from June, 2023

Preparations for IDY-23 (17/6/23)

As a preparation of International Day of Yoga 2023 and mass publicity, Rehearsal sessions were arranged at Kote anjaneya Temple, Mysuru Palace on 17/6/23 at 6 AM. Both UG and PG students and faculties attended the session and performed CYP.       Yoga Rehearsal- CYP Morning 6 AM Place: Kote Anjaneya Temple, Mysuru Palace Total number of attendees- 150   Group Yoga Performace The Post graduate students of Dept. of Swasthavritta performed Yoga Dance in the inaugration function of Yogathan to motivate public to practice Yoga.                  “Yogathan” All the 150 students and teaching faculties   participated in the Yogathan, and walked a distance of 2.5Km from...

Yoga Day Report Submission

 The complete implementation report of activities conducted on the occassion of International Day of Yoga 2023 was submitted to  Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, Commissioner, AYUSH, Government of Karnataka, Joint Director, AYUSH, Government of Karnataka through Principal, GAMC, Mysuru on 25/06/2023

Blind School Yoga training program 13th to 20 June

PG students of department of Swasthavritta approached "Sarkari Andha makkala Shale, Tilak nagar, Mysuru" to get permission to teach Yoga to visually challenged children. The training program was conducted from 13 June to 20 June 2023 ON 20th June, Valedictory ceremony was held at the school Dr. Soumya B.M. hosted the session Prayer song was sung and students played tabla also. Dr. Hitha M.K. welcomed all the guests to the program. The program was presided by the prinicpal of the school,  Dr. Ardhakrishna Ramarao, Principal of GAMC, Mysuru Dr. Venkatakrishna K.V. Professor & head of Dept of Swasthavritta and all the faculties and PG students were present at the program. Principal Dr. Radhakrishna Ramarao said that this is one of the most wholesome event that has been organized by the department on the occasion of Yoga day. He congradulated all the students and faculty for their work and wished the children the best. Prize distribution was done for Yoga competition Beeresh ...

International Webinar- YOGÃNUSHÃSANA - 2023

  International Webinar Organized by Government Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Mysuru on the occasion of International Yoga Day 2023 Organizing commitee Dr. Venkatakrishna K.V.  Dr. Suhdeendra navale Dr. Praveen Kumar D. Chotagal The webinar was Inaugrated by Dr. Manjunath J, IAS, Commissioner, Department of AYUSH, Government of karnataka Speaker for Technical Session 1 was Ms. JENS BACHE, Copenhagen, Denmark Topic: Western view on Yoga and Promotion of yoga in the west The session was very informative and interesting. Speaker for Technical session 2 was Dr. GANESH KUMAR, India who spoke on the topic of Ashtanga Yoga Speaker of Technical Session 3 was Mr. Hamish Hendry who spoke about Mental health & Yoga First day of Webinar ended with prayer of thanksgiving DAY-2 YOGANUSHASANA Session 1 was preseneted by Soni, USA Topic: Manifestation of Dreams Session 2 was presented by Dr. Shivakumar Shetty from SDMNYC&H Ujire topic: yoga therapy- evidence based medicine ...


International Webinar on the occasion of 9th International Yoga Day 2023 Department of PG studies in Swasthavritta & Yoga, Government Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Mysuru organized various events  With the vision of reaching Yoga from deserts to forests, river to see, village to industry, toddler to old age. From Anganwadi to to Old age home- People under palliative care)